Sunday 19 October 2008

Week 4 Age Identity

Age identity, what does this have to do with who I am? Well, as we get older our identity will change not only within ourselves, but also by how others interpret our actions, looks, and behaviors based on what they have observed. From this we gain additional insight of what it means to be our age and how we identify ourselves throughout society.

I am a 20 year old woman and I feel like I have fulfilled the looks of that age group. I am quite mature for my age so in that area I may not be 20 years old but then again I also have my child side of me that doesn't want to grow up. These two counteract and place me exactly where I think I should be in relation to others.

My age identity has changed over the last few weeks by the new experiences and encounters I have came across from another culture. Being able to travel while I'm studying abroad has given me a different outlook on life by learning a lot for my age. Interacting with people from other cultural norms strengthens my ability to communicate and interact with people from my age group and other age groups. Trying to understand and relate to another culture based on what I knew before I came to London was difficult until I emerged myself into their society.

When I get home, I think that my identity will be different by having all of these new experiences play a role in my daily life. Seeing another side of the world has opened myself up to seeing another side of me. When I get back to hang out with my family and friends, I'm expecting a reaction of accomplishment and growth. I came to London, did almost everything on my own and learned a lot more of what it means to be independent.

In the end, my age identity changes over time with the influence of new experiences and will always represent who I am. My actions, looks and behaviors have changed and will continue to do so as long as I am still engaging myself in different cultures constantly learning what they have to offer me. I still have more to come on my journey across the sea, so we will learn together how I have grown and changed over 10 weeks.

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